Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Demon called money!

Hello, happy new  month,  it's really been a while,  thanks to everyone who checked while I was away,  thanks for all the love notes,  chats and mails,  I feel really honoured,  yes,  the year is almost running to an end and am so glad because it's really a long and amazing year for me,  I might not be where I want to be yet but then I have reasons to be thankful while I hope for the better, what about you, how has the year been for you?????     
                    Let's get straight to the post, notice I called money a demon?  Well it might not be a demon in every sense of it,  but then,  money is something you can't do without but iit is. What you have too that if you are not careful can destroy one's life. Even the Bible says money is the root of all evil, in everything in life moderacy is key,  yes,  we all work to make money to make living comfortable for us but then when you have excessive love for money,  then it is that money that destroy such individual