Let's get straight to the post, notice I called money a demon? Well it might not be a demon in every sense of it, but then, money is something you can't do without but iit is. What you have too that if you are not careful can destroy one's life. Even the Bible says money is the root of all evil, in everything in life moderacy is key, yes, we all work to make money to make living comfortable for us but then when you have excessive love for money, then it is that money that destroy such individual
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
The Demon called money!
Let's get straight to the post, notice I called money a demon? Well it might not be a demon in every sense of it, but then, money is something you can't do without but iit is. What you have too that if you are not careful can destroy one's life. Even the Bible says money is the root of all evil, in everything in life moderacy is key, yes, we all work to make money to make living comfortable for us but then when you have excessive love for money, then it is that money that destroy such individual
Monday, September 7, 2015
5 Golden rules to an hitch free life
Rule1: Tame Your Tongue
This rule is really important for anyone that wants to be successful in life, mind what you say, control your tongue anand do not let your tongue control you, even the bible advise us to be quick to listen and be slow to speak, use your tongue to bring things to life not to murder them, if one is really disciplined with one's mouth, then one can really lead an hitch free life to an extent
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Do you know that it is not perfect make up, good cloth, or good body structure e.t.c that makes one beautiful, yes those physical things add up, they make you look good, but they are not true definition of beauty, if you wrap a delicious chocolate in a dirty and unattractive wrapper, no one will take a look at it not to talk of opening it, thats the importance of looking good on the outside, because it serves as the point of attraction.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
10 factors that scare Nigerian men away from marriage
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Inspiration Wednesday- Character traits of sucessful people
Every one dreams and longs to be sucessful, but not everyone has what it takes to be sucessful, sucessful people have the most horrible stories of failure and downfall in life, but they have certain character traits that makes them standout, which is what we are going to talk about today, read and be inspired!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Secrets of an irresistable Woman
Ask any lady of this age and time, what do you want in a spouse, and she goes, a man that will take of me, love me, cherish me...blah blah me, one word that is constant 'ME' , it only means such a person just wants to go and be receiving without giving back, and believe such marriages never work, as a woman, what are you bringing to the table, before you can seek the heart of a king, you must be a Queen, so before you write a journal or long list of what you want in a man, be sure to be a woman of value, a virtuous woman,an irresistable woman whose price is far above rubies
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
How far is too far?
I really am battling with putting today's topic up, but then again, this issue has been on my mind for a long time, and then again i realise that so many singles are having issues with this topic too, a lot of people have actually asked me on this issue too, but i don't have the correct answer to it
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Monday, July 13, 2015
Social media;A blessing or a curse???
Thursday, July 9, 2015
5 simple ways to make you and your partner stay in love
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Inspiration wednesday-you have to be strong
Hello my beautiful people, how is everyone doing??? Choi...i missed this space mehn,i missed everyone...*side eyes* to Amaka, reading her comment this morning made me laugh out loud and it really did melt my heart...so i had to quickly open blogger...
Well Inspiration wednesday today is talking to jibbyks, i wish i could pour out my heart here, *But some people who knows me personally, come here annoymously*i wish behind the smiles and happiness i show to people around me the pain in my heart could show but no it does not because i know i have to be strong....
Have you ever felt so much pain deep within that you can't talk to anyone about it because words can't explain how you feel or you feel people can't understand you, thats exactly how have been feeling lately...but i know that this too shall pass if i am strong, life is throwing me different punches but i won't allow myself to be down for long because this is part of the sharpening, i have to go through, because nothing good comes easy in life and so that i can be more grateful when i reach my goal...
But as am typing this post, my heavy heart is melting..... i know before the year runs out, testimony shall abound....in every situation you have to be strong, you have to wrap your struggles in strength and just let God fix it which is exactly what am doing now and what you should try to do too..
Am back and better!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Where did gender equality travel to?
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Hello LD readers, do you believe this? Mz Geneiveve Nnaji posted this on instagram some hours ago, well i agree to an extent though...
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
15 unspoken rules of courtesy that everyone should adhere to!!!
Monday, June 29, 2015
What Do you look out for in a spouse??
Now straight to today's post because i know i have not been blogging consistently this month, During the wedding it just dawned on me that at least every marriage went through the wedding process, the bride and groom having radiant smiles on their faces and everywhere looking beautiful, but how come we have so many failed marriages, why do some people have so many awful stories of hurt in their marriage, where have we missed it when it comes to marriage??
Thursday, June 25, 2015
How do you deal?
Hello my lovely LD fam,good morning, how is the week going, gradually i am begining to understand and see life from a different point of view and all this understandings are making me not to be able to drag anything with anyone or struggle for anything because at the end of the day, all is vanity also i am always thankful for every minute of life, what is money without happiness, what is comfort without peace of mind???...so dearies even with that little, if you have peace of mind, don't drag what your hands can't reach, just be patient and it will all make sense
On a second note, how many of us have that shoe, cloth or underwear that you like so much, despite the fact that its old, you can't just let go of it, i do, i have this pair of sandals that i love so much and i feel comfortable wearing it, despite the fact that the sole is gradually splitting into two, i am still rocking it and i would still continue to rock it till it finally cuts into two...lol...
Now to the point of today's post, hoe do you deal with a stubborn headed friend, someone who does not take other people's opinion, someone that believes she is always right, even though every person around her thinks she is wrong, how do you deal with such person in love?
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Inspiration wednesday-Life is like a box of chocolates
Hello and goodmorning to everyone, i dunno but since i started inspiration Wednesday, there is this deep feeling of responsibility that i have every Wednesday, i feel i must always lift someone's heart and mind and make them feel better, and am glad that God has been helping me with that.Likening life to chocolate was and interesting experience, read and be inspired
I have come to understand that Life is a misery, today its going right and tommorrow its turning left, You never know what to expect from life,until you go through life daily,so the quote below truly describes life
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get-Forest Gump
But then again, i discovered that life can be likened to a box of chocolates too on many other level, so below is what i discovered after my research
Life is like a box of chocolates, each piece is different but it takes them all to complete the package. Challenges, struggles, happy moments, joyful moments, moments of loss and all moments in life can be different but it takes them all to make life complete
Life is like a box of chocolates, if it is empty, it makes everyone sad. If life is uneventful and unexciting and there are no different moments, then it makes everyone sad
Life is like a box of chocolates,if you only try the ones you like, you ll never know how great something new can be. If you fail to try out new things and explore Life, then you will never know how sweet life can be
Life is like a box of chocolates, the sweetest thing you can do is enjoy them. Enjoying life and taking whatever life throws at you calmly and seeking solution is the best way to enjoy life.
Life is like a box of chocolates, some can be very sweet while some can leave a sour taste in your mouth.Life can be very sweet attimes and can be the other way round at other times, but above all learn to enjoy life
Life is like a box of chocolates, you get used up and thrown away
Life is like a box of chocolates, its messy and makes you get your hand dirty
Monday, June 22, 2015
The power of a Woman
Yes, i am excited about today's post, one of the things i am most thankful for is been a woman,yes the bible says we are the weaker vessels but in reality we are stronger than the strongest, if you are a woman and you know how to use your power of being a woman well, i believe you can get anything done because if we set our hearts to do anything, we always get it done
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Men spend more time Gossiping than women?
On today's topic, I read something weird in the punch today, a certain study concluded that men spend more time Gossiping than women, how can that be?
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Inspiration Wednesday- The pencil motivation
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Personality Tuesday- Dealing with low self esteem
Today lets talk about Self esteem, while i was growing up and even up to recently i was battling with low self esteem, i just use to feel everyone is better than i am, but just recently i got transformed from it all thanks to one wonderful person in my life, well low self esteem is when one is always feeling insignificant or less important, it could be a dream killer and it makes you feel less human, it could be caused by what you believe about yourself, It could be as a result of experiences i.e what you saw, heard or experienced earlier in life, it could also be as a result of neglect, abuse, failing to meet parental or peer group standards and lack of warmth, affection or family love
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Believe in yourself: yes believe you can achieve anything and you are the best thing that has happened to the world, love and pamper yourself, and most of all be around the people that love you and bring the best out of you (this really worked for me) because when you want to give up on yourself, they are always there to lift you up
Monday, June 15, 2015
6 Red flags to look out for in any relationship
Well i believe in knowledge and finding out about things, so thats why am presenting you this six traits below, have a blessed week ahead lovelies
1. They Want to Change
Friday, June 12, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Today i want to talk of one thing that annoys me most on Nigerian roads, its the Horn, the Horn has been greatly abused by Nigerian Car users, i don't know if its like that in other parts of the world o, but am sure Cherri, mami Tibs and others can tell us if it is, but in this Nigeria part of the things Horns are used for are:
To say Hello
when they see someone that they know on the road driving by, to say hello or greet the person, you just hear them blow their Horn pon pon pon....so annoying , am my dad does this attimes too
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Inspiration Wednesday-Self control
Hello dearest LD fam, how was your day???am so sorry inspiration wednesday is coming in late, jibbyks had to travel and go get somethings done and i was exhausted when i got back
Well today i learnt that if you don't have self control then you can never suceed in life, thats why when i saw the pic below on instagram, i could totally relate to it, its so true...what do you think?
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Personality Test- Temperament
Monday, June 8, 2015
7 things you should not tell your friends about your relationship
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What happens in the bedroom, should stay in the bedroom. Never, and I meanNEVER, let out your int.imacy Details toyour friends. It’s not only bad if your partner gets to hear it from someone else, it’s just embarrassing. No one wants you to tell them how good or bad the s.ex is, keep it in the bedroom, only you can make your Friends respect your partner and the in.timate details should be kept from even the closest of friends.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
LOVE-The greatest of all
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Today i want to talk about Love, Love is when you go out of your way to make another person better,even God encourages Love,Love is the greatest of all commands,
Galatians 5:22 says For the fruit of the spirit is Love,joy....
when you have Love you are manifesting the fruit of the spirit, now you can show love to anybody, Love yourself, Love your Neighbor, show love to that stranger, show love to that Old Man/Woman on the street, show love to people that can not repay you back, yes thats how to manifest the fruit of the spirit Love, if we love ourselves and we show love as much as possible to every human, am sure the world will be a lot better than it is now
Friday, June 5, 2015
Well straight to the matter of this post, Someone needs our help in form of advice, Dear LD fam, this will go a long way in making someone better,so please just help with your honest Opinion,
The question is, Is it betrayal to date your friend's EX, the poster wants to know if she can go ahead and date someone her friend once dated but they are not dating again??
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
INSPIRATION WEDNESDAY- When Life throws you down
Monday, June 1, 2015
Happy new month once again my people, its mid year,can't believe that by next month we will start the second half of the year, well lets do a little review, we all have a laid out plan for the year right, goals, dreams, standards and resolutions,its mid year already, how far have you gone with your goals?? what about that resolution you made at the beginning of this year, that bad habit you wants to stop, how far have you gone with it?? well for me, it looks like you still have a chance to restructure and re plan and those goals can still be achieved if you get back on track, so the month of June is a reminder month for you that the year is soon running to an end and you have to get back on track
Friday, May 29, 2015
Buhari’s campaign promises as presented by Vanguard
On Politics and Governance:
I, Muhammadu Buhari, believe that our politics is broken. Our nation urgently needs fundamental political reform and improvement in governance more transparency and accountable. If you nominate me in December, 2014 and elect me in February 2015, my administration will:
1. Initiate action to amend the Nigerian Constitution with a view to devolving powers, duties, and responsibilities to states in order to entrench true Federalism and the Federal spirit;
2. Strengthen INEC to reduce, if possible, eliminate electoral malpractices in Nigerian’s political life;
3. Attract the best and brightest of our sons and daughters into our politics and public service by aggressive recruitment of private sector people, academics, and professionals within
Nigeria and in the Diaspora through internships, fellowships, executive appointments, and special nomination to contest elective offices;
Happy democracy day!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Inspiration Wednesday- 10 Quotes that will change your way of living
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Hello lovely LD fam, well when i woke up this morning and i thought of all the things happening in Nigeria and the world right now, i just felt like going back to bed, because i feel its only when one is sleeping that there is peace, and then i stumbled on this poem then i realise it totally describes everything, May God intervene on all this situations In jesus name.read and enjoy and as a new feature to the blog too, i ll be bringing poems that covers anything about life every saturday, so please make it a date at life's diary, i love you all more than a fat kid loves candy*winks*
Wind whistling,
Snow glistening,
We try not to,
But we're all listening.
Loud screams,
Bad dreams,
It's very far,
But close it seems.
Sad day,
Lost our way,
All we can do,
Is simply pray.
Innocence gone,
Life no longer long,
We may not know,
But we're all doing wrong.
Joy lost,
The Holocaust,
We look to see,
Hearts covered in frost.
Wars fought,
Sins taught,
Making mistakes,
Hoping not to be caught.
Not taking blame,
Pushing for fame,
As advanced as we are,
We're still all untamed.
Too much pride,
Needing a guide,
We will deny it,
But behind lies we hide.
Hurting others,
Betraying brother,
Many forgetting,
To appreciate mothers.
Lies are fed,
Filling heart and head,
Through all of these years,
Innocent blood has been shed.
Children abandoned,
Lonely and stranded,
We're all wasting the life
That we have been handed.
Taking from the poor,
We're loving no more,
Fight to be free,
End up starting a war.
People starting fights,
No longer enjoying the sights,
While mere mortals are taking
Our God given rights.
Soldiers killed,
Void can't be filled,
Pay close attention,
For pure souls have been tilled.
Need to find peace,
Work together like geese,
But greatest of all,
The hate needs to cease.
Michaela Remmel
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Inspiration Wednesday- I can't

Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Genotype issue
Monday, May 18, 2015
10 types of men ladies should avoid
fulfill week ahead, pardon me for the unannounced break i took during
the weekend, i just really had to clear my mind of some things, how is
everyone doing? well we all are doing an ultimate search for something
in our love and relationship life as ladies right??? every lady lady is
searching for Mr right, so today i just thought to share 10 types of men
we do not like and that we must stay away from, so for the ladies
please take note and the men too can take note so that they can adjust,
the rate of failed marriages are too alarming to ignore the signs *winks*
The Liar:
He takes every slight opportunity to lie, he lies to people in your presence
without flinching and when he lies, you can almost believe him use he
is good at it, run far away from him
The Bad boy
At one time or another, every girl has a thing for the guy
who just doesn’t play by the rules. He’s perpetually angry,
acts like a tough guy and looks damn good while doing it.
But the juvenile attraction to the bad boys of our youth can
quickly fade when rebellion turns into recklessness. The bad
boys will just break your heart... or the law. And these rebels
without a clue top the list of types of men to avoid on the dating scene.
Friday, May 15, 2015
a long week and so many things have happened in the cause of this week,
but above all, God has been faithful, *kneels down* tanks so much for
your love, care and prayers, i feel honored to be a part of this beautiful
family of love, well as to the interview and exam, well, all turned out
beautiful, shout out to all the ex Oouites in the house,
*side eyes to lee boo*, oou delayed us for 1 hour 35 minutes, what
was scheduled for 10 started around 11:40 but they shocked me sha,
No exam, no interview, you just enter show your credentials and the
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
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see m colourful face |
Here is a story of a butterfly.
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared
, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force
its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress.
It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors
and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then
emerged easily. But it had a swollen body (or head) and small, shriveled wings.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
People like stars are celebrated in society because they have emerged
There isn't any big difference therefor between a winner and a looser. Lets look
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Faith without works is Dead
Today we are going to be talking about Faith and Works, Faith is one of
the Christian principles that is so dear to my heart, as many times i have used
it and it has worked for me, but then i feel some people have a misconception
about faith, yes, i know faith is believing the unbelievable but how do you have
faith that something will happen without working towards it?
Saturday, May 9, 2015
CELEBRITY POST- Congrats to blogger Sisiyemmie and hubby bobo
You didn't know she was on a 9 months course right? I didn't know
too, until i found the tweet below
30 Ways To Learn To Love yourself and be happy with the World 2
30 ways to love ourselves and be happy with the world right??? and
yesterday i shared the first 15 so today i will be sharing 16-30, so relax
and enjoy, if you didn't see 1-15 that i posted yesterday, you can check it here
16. Care about your appearance — not in a vain, superficial way.
Care about how you look, so you can feel great when you leave the
house. But, if you feel like wearing sweatpants and your hair in a bun
to the grocery store once in a while, go do it.
17. Watch that movie or that Netflix series you’ve been meaning to see.
19. Pick up a hobby. My roommates and I ordered paint-by-numbers
Friday, May 8, 2015
30 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself And Be Happy With The World 1
come share with us on Monday, i read this Article on Elite daily and i thought to
share with ya all, its really a long piece so i broke it into two, i would post the
remaining part tomorrow enjoy!
Many people (including me) speak about “self-love”: figure yourself out,
love yourself before you get into a relationship… and so it goes. However,
you only truly obtain self-love by having compassion for the self, so you can
appreciate and do considerate deeds for others.
Along my path to learn about myself and work on my own self-love, I discovered
several major truths that still resonate with me and support my personal effort.
I am a constant work in progress, as most of us are. To help you gain more perspective and have a foundation on which to begin your journey of self-love, here are 30 truths to remember:
1. Stop comparing yourself to others. People achieve success and fail at
different rates.
2. You’re not as fat as you think. Besides, your body fat percentage has
no bearing on what makes you a quality human being.
3. Exercise because it is good for your soul and not solely for your outward
experience. Appreciate your body and all the things it can do. Stop picking it
apart — you will never achieve perfection.
4. Find something at which you excel. Maybe you are really amazing at working
with kids and you just don’t know it yet.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Today is another feature of Love Thursday, remember if you have any issue you feel you want us to discuss on this feature you can send me a mail, ayanbajoajibike7957@gmail. com, you can read the first feature of Love Thursday here
Different strokes for different folks, for some Ladies, they like their spouse to be very much older than them,because to those people older men are more matured and they offer more security while for some ladies they prefer there spouse to be within there Age range.
Comedian Bovi took to his instagram page yesterday to dish out the words of
Advice below to women and if you ask me i agree with him 100%
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
because i love this blog and you wonderful readers, i just have to squeeze out
time for the blog, thanks for all your wonderful comments on yesterday's post,
i wish i could reply each and every of your comment but Nepa messed up again,
i could not even do my blog round, if i have a one day chance to be the presiden
t of Nigeria, the first thing i would most definitely tackle is power supply, mhen its
crazy, in my area now what they do is two days on and 5 days off, its really annoying
because that two days sef na on and off, one i can't enjoy it,IBPHC really sucks!
yeah its another Wednesday, and its another edition of inspiration Wednesday, you
know how we do this, every Wednesday we talk about something to better our life
and inspire someone
Today's post was inspired by what my principal in Secondary school use to say and
what formed part of who i am today, while in secondary school, my principal use to
make us chant this mantra
My Life is in my hand
I am the Architect of my life
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
here is wishing everyone traveling to NYSC camp today a safe journey, do be
careful and make sure to make friends as you are traveling it helps to kill anxiety
and you get to be more informed, but above all shine your eyes ooo especially if
you are going through Onitsha, my experience at Onitsha while i was going for my
Nysc was a bad one.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Before the advent of mobile phones in Nigeria, my dad gisted me that they use to use letters as means of communication, if i want to say something to my friend in ibadan and i am in lagos, i will have to write a letter and take it to the post office and it might even take days before the letter reaches my friend, while in some cases they don't even get the letter at all, or another method they use is some rich people have this table telephone powered by Nitel then,
so people gather in such places and take turns to call their loved ones, but for people who don't have this opportunity, they travel down to check on their loved ones,very stressful right??
Sunday, May 3, 2015
month of May, i don't know the reason, but i just feel good about this month and
again am so thankful for life, and for how God has been working wonders.
Yes today is Immanuel Mavins birthday, he is a fellow blogger and a blog boo
too, he blogs here, we at Life's diary are saying a very happy birthday to him,
may the lord bless and prosper his ways and may favor and mercy follow him
always,Age with grace dear and do send our cake to my mail, guess what people
Mavins is beautiful miss Genevieve Nnaji's birthday mate, Happy birthday to her too
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see the face behind that awesome blog |
And to my random thought, some times when we humans are in need of something
and we turn to God to help us with it, but because he is an all knowing God, he
might give us the thing right away or delay it a bit, to do it at the best time for us,
but because we are humans we get very impatient fast, and some people can be
very worst in their waiting time that they do what they are not suppose to do and
there by lose that favour and blessing God has in stock for them
Lemme say a short story to back this up, there was a certain man living in my
area while i was going to secondary school, i can remember that this man use to
be very poor that, he has to push his bike every morning before the bike could
work so that he will use it to carry people and earn small money, av known him
to be like this for years, but later within one month this man bought two cars, i was
surprised because i was not sure he even had a job, and then he established a shop
for his wife outside there house, this man would put his Gen on every morning from
afternoon till night, he was living in great affluence but 6 months after, his wife died
and the wife's family were like the man used the wife as the source of his wealth but
not long the cries died down and life continued for this man, he married another wife,
but dearly beloved this man died too barely 5 months after his wife, and guess what
as rich as he was no kobo was found in his accounts when he died, the family members
were begging from people in the area so that they can transport him to his village,
twas that bad, so it came to my mind that if God didn't want this man to be rich,
whatever he did wud not have worked out, i just believe that he was not patient
enough to receive the blessings, so it cost him his life, it is only God that maketh a
man rich without sorrow, what do you think?
Friday, May 1, 2015
was no holiday as i have been working since morning, anyways happy new month peeps,
and thanks for been a part of life's diary,thanks for always stopping by this space and
for all your lovely comments, God bless ya all plenty plenty, happy birthday month to
all May born, we are sure going to celebrate together
This new month it is my earnest desire that the Lord will bless you and your family,
he will meet you at the point of your heart desires and you and your family shall not
lack anything good In Jesus name,
For me am expectant of greater blessings and promotions this month, and am
expecting my masters interview to go well too this month by God's grace, what
are your expectations for the month of May? Do share with us, thanks once again
and have a lovely month ahead .